Saturday 29 June 2019

Long Lee Cricket Club - Housekeeping

Friday 28th June
Knowing that I would be close to Long Lee again today, I was able to plan a few extra minutes into my schedule to try and locate the ground. Enlisting the services of Captain James Cook, (yes a seafarer but fellow Yorkshireman and therefore cricket fan) we anchored in the same place as before. This was my first Port of call and as it turned out only Port required. Nothing to do with the fact that it was the only option left.
The initial view up the track didn't look too promising.

Neither did the view half way up.
Undaunted, Cook whipped out his tools and made a few calculations.
We pressed on.

Finally we came across a sign, somewhat pointless, given its distance from the road.

Eldorado was found, and quite a tidy Eldorado, and even in the rain on Tuesday, if the cricket was boring the view made up for it.

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