Saturday 22 June 2019

Denby Grange Cricket Club

Twitter is currently years out of date, as they are playing in the wrong league.
The formatting on the play-cricket website screws up the tables. It's a bit of a mess.

Can't see anything about their history.
They used to be a Dewsbury & District team, but I think that like many clubs recently they have become  a bit nomadic.
A former player was Ex Batley Grammar School hero S B Wood who took 10 wickets in a school match. My claim to fame is that in an inter-form school competition I put him out of the ground for six. (euphemism for slogged).
This prompted a visit to the deputy head's office to see Dr. (Knocker) Knowles who suddenly wanted me to play for the school team. I'm probably one of the few pupils to have turned him down, as I was already playing for Crossbank. The school seemed to pick it's teams in the first year and then set them in stone. Their loss.

My visit to the ground had me thinking that maybe they had packed up, but they now have a better access to the ground and complex.

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