Tuesday 25 June 2019

Haworth Road Methodists Cricket Club

Was I at the right ground?
I played here many times with works teams, but wouldn't have know that this was Haworth Road Methodist's ground.
Mind you it looks a bit different from the photo below.

Other than playing in the Craven and District league, there's little history about the club.

Friends of Haworth Road complete salvage mission
By Bill Marshall
YOU wouldn't have given Haworth Road Methodists Cricket Club much chance of seeing leather on willow for the start of the this season after the Boxing Day floods.
The water was within six inches of the pavilion roof, all of the club's mechanical equipment was completely submerged in a combination of water and silt, the outfield resembled a beach, and there were two cars and a large container among the debris deposited there.
In addition, the perimeter metal fencing had been badly damaged, and in excess of 20 yards of wall adjacent to Green Lane had collapsed.
However, the Mewies Solicitors Craven League club resumed on the first day of the season on Saturday, April 23 with a First Division home match against Riddlesden, another club to suffer from the winter floods, after several organisations offered their help and many club members did their bit.
Haworth Road's secretary Les Gudgeon said: "While all the work was all completed just before the season started, a visit to the ground will clearly see our club, which is over 65 years old, has the will to survive and prosper."
He added: "With not inconsiderable help in funding from the ECB and Sport England, together with good advice from the ECB, the restoration work began.
"In addition to many willing volunteers from our members, who in the main carried out the unenviable task of clearing or cleaning the ground, pavilion and equipment container of debris and silt etc, we are indebted to several organisations who made significant contributions."
Howdens provided and fitted a new kitchen, Manningham Concrete donated materials for the refurbishment of the pavilion, Response (UK) Ltd provided drying equipment at a critical time, CMI Logistics gave a generous donation, and Bradford Council rebuilt the wall in early February and assisted in the removal of the container and the accumulated debris from the surrounding areas.
Contractors also helped out in a big way, with Mick Taylor, of Greenacres Ltd, renovating the pavilion, Chappelows of Mirfield, who renovated and repaired the outfield and cricket square, NPS, who repaired the fencing, and Carl Barber, who took care of the perimeter edging on the car park.
Volunteers are always needed to run grass-roots sports club, but it is when a crisis hits, such as this flooding, then clubs truly find out who their friends are.

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