Thursday 27 June 2019

Darley Cricket Club

Currently top of Nidderdale & District Division 1

Local village cricket club with two teams in the Theakston Nidderdale Cricket League. 1st XI in the 1st division and the 2nd XI in the 6th division. 

We welcome all, any potential new players email

The Darley play-cricket website is a bit "thin", but they are on twitter & Facebook, if a little out of date.

From the Nidderdale Cricket Archive a few potted highlights

9 DecemberNidderdale Cricket LeagueDecision to carry onEnthusiastic Club Representatives.Following a meeting of the Nidderdale representatives at the Royal Oak Hotel in Pateley Bridge on Monday evening, it was definitely decided to make arrangements for next season and the fixture list for eight clubs for Div. 1 only will shortly be compiled. Mr D Addyman occupied the chair and the following clubs were represented Pateley Bridge, Glasshouses, Grantley, Shaw Mills, Fellbeck and HampsthwaiteA brighter and more optimistic feeling prevailed, the representatives including a few of the younger players, were keen and enthusiastic for the league success. Following the consideration of a letter from the Darley club, the meeting decided that it could not accept this club’s request for a postponement of its deliberations until the Harrogate and District League meeting at the beginning of the year had been held.It was also decided that the following clubs should constitute the league: Pateley Bridge Glasshouses, Dacre Banks, Hampsthwaite, Grantley, Bishop Thornton, Fellbeck, and Shaw Mills.The members welcomed the attendance of Mr JG Whitley of Darley who attended in the interests of the league. He suggested what at first sight appears to be a rather complicated scheme for club match games, but as there was insufficient time to give it full consideration it deserved, the question was postponed indefinitely.A motion thanking the Pateley Bridge and Nidderdale Herald for it recent comments in an endeavour to sustain interests in the Nidderdale League was unanimously agreed to. It was reported that the league funds showed a balance in hand of £18.

10 JuneAll Cricketers DarleyAn Interesting GameThe largest attendance of the season gathered at Darley Cricket ground on Thursday evening last week when Malt Kiln CC played the best of Darley CC. Malt Kiln team won the toss and the opening batsmen were Mr William Houseman, the village Blacksmith in his 70th year, he played for Darley 53 years ago and was noted as a recognised all-rounder of repute, and his youngest son Harry in his 31st year. Mr Dobson 67 Mr Snow 65 were also in the Malt Kiln team. The wicket-keeper for the Malt Kiln team was Mr W Houseman. The eldest son of Mr W Houseman, the total age of the family playing being 135 years. 

19395 MayCricket  Traditions at DarleyFirst season without a teamHopes of forming one.Darley CC formed 1904 (picture of 1907 team)1st Captain of Darley CC was Ned Binks followed by William Haxby and then Willie Pulford. The team's best bat was Rev.G.H Elliot whilst J Houseman was a fast bowler who has not been equalled in Darley. They said it was a common occurrence for him to send the bails 20 yards when he took a wicket. The Rev G.H. Elliot's cricket was impaired when he slipped and fell in Thornthwaite Church and damaged his knee.The first playing field was a small enclosure opposite the Low Shop on Silverdale Road. The team played at the top of Nidd Lane; next in a field attached to Southfield Farm. The playing cult was then taken to Pear Tree Farm, at the other end of the village, where John George Whitley, one of the most enthusiastic cricketers the village has had, laid  a good wicket which produced many fine wickets. The playing quarters were then transferred to Walker Lane in a field attached to Walker Lane Farm where for many years the club has played and attracted large crowds on Saturday afternoons.Unfortunately the present season is the first since the formation of the club that the village has failed to field a cricket team. It is hoped that before many weeks have passed that he young fellows of the village will enthuse themselves and keep the traditional flag of cricket flying.For some time as a boy Herbert Sutcliffe the Yorkshire & England cricketer had lived in the village and played there. About a week ago the Headmaster of Darley Council School was showing the children the register with the name of Herbert Sutcliffe enrolled. Darley Council School cricket team last year won the Nidd Schools Cricket Competition. They should be encouraged to have a senior team in which to eventually graduate. 

NO LEAGUE MATCHES IN 19399 June Thornthwaite Old Cricket ClubInteresting recordsThornthwaite village consisting of farms was able to field a cricket team in days gone by that could hold it’s own with the best in Nidderdale. The club was formed in 1892 and the playing field was at Follyghyll. When a wicket was being laid the team played away matches. The first match Thornthwaite played was against Grantley at Grantley.Grantley, who went in first to bat, were all out for 5 runs, 3 of which were byes. The  were knocked off in the first over. Frank Peel, the Thornthwaite fast bowler, got most of the wickets.The Follyghyll field was on a slope and Frank, who bowled down hill, set his field with two longstops.The quarters of the club were at Follyghyll in a cottage adjoining the field.Mr J R Houseman recalls that a few days before the first match against Grantley the team was selected and a time arranged for the players to meet. The usual method of travelling at the time – walking – was decided on. It was agreed to leave Follyghyll at noon. The team assembled, two players taking hold of the bag with the cricket tackle set off.The late Mr Frederick Atkinson, mill owner and President of the club came on the scene and said.:You’ll never reach Grantley until 5 o’clock. Go and get the pony and spring cart and take it in turns riding.”Half the team set off walking whilst the remainder with the tackle road on the cart. The team arrived at Grantley for the match at 3.00pm.The great match that Thornthwaite played was against Dacre Banks who had won the Nidderdale Cup and had such players as George Brooks, known as “Dangerous”, for his efficiency behind the wickets, as a stumper, Joe Settle, J Ellis and F Robinson. A large crowd gathered at the Thornthwaite ground and in a keen game Thornthwaite were narrowly beaten.Mr Houseman said that although they did a lot of walking to their games it was enjoyable and a happy fellowship existed. Harrogate Haywra were played when the Harrogate ground was behind the County Hotel. The Thornthwaite team functioned for a number of years until players began to leave the district which caused the club to be disbanded. It was never re-started and the Darley CC was formed in it’s place.

31 October A meeting of the Evening League Committee there was a discussion about reviving the Saturday league. Recognising that they had no authority to come to such a decision, the delegates then discuss the prospects of reviving the Nidderdale Saturday afternoon league which had been defunct since 1936.In addition to delegates present for the previous meeting Bishop Thornton joined the gathering. Mr Powell pointed out that with most of the delegates naturally interested in the proposal, it would not be in April to discuss the question but it must be understood that they had no power to act. Mr Powell said he had written to most of the clubs concerned to ascertain their views and had he understood received some favourable replies. I it was generally recognised that the price of petrol would have a serious effect on next season's friendly fixtures in the Dale and that as local clubs we would in any case be playing each other. League games would arouse additional interest. The majority of the delegates favoured the resumption of league cricket and were agreed that they would have to consult their club members, through their annual meetings, which should be called as early as possible.Potential entries included Pateley Bridge, Dacre Banks, Glasshouses, Darley, Birstwith, Hampsthwaite for Division I Fellbeck, Shaw Mills, Bishop Thornton promised their support for the second division.

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