Saturday 22 June 2019

Glusburn Cricket club - Update

The illusive Glusburn ground was located. Even knowing where it should be didn't make it much easier to find.
Let's start from the random hedge

Before you get to the hedge, turn left.
I would then suggest parking at the end of The Copse, if you are driving anything bigger than a Mini, Though these days, Minis aren't mini. 
Parked cars meant I couldn't reach the gates to the club. Not for the want of trying.
If you go left at the end of The Copse, you arrive at these gates.

There we go. A distant view of the ground, close but not really worthy of a cigar.
However if you go right at the end of The Copse, up a footpath you do arrive here.

Note to Glusburn Cricket Club, a few signs away from the ground may help increase your presence.

Or Maybe it's a ploy.
How many games have been forfeited by the opposition not being able to find the ground.
Perhaps they could tweet you for directions.
Ahh!! No twitter.

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