Saturday 24 August 2019

DHL v. #tailended

I have cocked-up.
It has been a grim couple of years thanks to DHL.
I thought that I could have a bit of fun with #tailended and a few cricket grounds around West Yorkshire.
I didn't realise that there were quite so many that I would be able to pass in such a short time. I currently have 334 flagged on my map. I still have to edit some of the photos, to prove that, to quote Max Boyce, I was there, and to add in a little history of the club if some can be found.
Note to clubs. Why not use some of these rain affected matches to update/use your social media. The post World Cup boat may now have drowned in the Ashes deluge, but if no-one knows who or where you are, how are you going to attract new members? Many clubs seem to feature the same few names in their lists of officials, If the list even exists, what happens when they pack up? It seems that every club has been issued a Play Cricket website, why not take advantage of it? There are some very good websites out there, not necessarily created by the bigger clubs. Have a look at The Jesters or West Bretton as two that stick in my mind, and see what you can do. Involve your younger, probably more tech savvy members.
That was a bit of an aside from where I was going.
It still have a number of clubs to plot, from my impressive 37,000 feet cricket clubs, to La Manga in Spain, but, and this is my cock-up, it is burying my information on DHL. I should have created a separate blog for #tailended. I may try and transfer the information in the future, but I will have to put a temporary hold on my #tailending. Cue sad emoji.
Mentally I have been beaten by DHL, but in addition to the bullying that I have endured, I now have some information on fraudulent scanning by DHL.
It just adds to the;
Hypocrisy &
that DHL means to me.
For anyone having followed my blog there is plenty of information to prove that there is substance to my statements.
I can prove that Management Lied.
I can prove that Management approves of dishonest scanning to hide DHL's failures.

#tailended will return, hopefully quicker than John Payne of Asia, to Leeds.
That's been a long wait.

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