Saturday 24 August 2019

DHL Fraud v. DHL Bullying

Spoiler alert

It's a draw
It would normally go to penalties.
But there can't be any for DHL

I have previously detailed examples of why I named my book,
Hypocrisy & 
You can use the label index on the right to find some of the details listed under each category.
I'm not sure why, but presumably due to the way that I set up the initial draft, I cannot make the book free on Amazon. It was meant to be available for anyone to see the real face of DHL. Bullying included, on top of the deceit, hypocrisy and lies.
Everything listed and used is 100% genuine.
Some of it you couldn't even make up.

I received a phone call from DHL earlier this afternoon following an example of fraud that I have been following up for a friend.
Yes, that is friend and not friend, as in me.
Unfortunately, being in Spain, it was no surprise that we were cut off. The agent hasn't, as yet, phoned back. The little of the conversation that the agent managed was a response to my previously unanswered question "Who regulates DHL?"
Andy, as we shall call him, for that was his name, got as far as self-regulated.

Anyone see where this might be going?
Answers on a postcard to the usual address etc.

Self-regulated = un-regulated.
DHL can do anything it wants because no-one is going to slap their pandies, let alone fine them for fraud or bullying, Managers know that they can get away with anything because nothing can/will happen.

Hence the draw, with no penalty shoot out.

Both bullying and fraud is rife within DHL because Managers know that they can get away with it.

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