Sunday 14 July 2019

West Bretton CC Club Archive

West Bretton CC Club Archive

Original Idea plus Archive Research and Statistics by Steve Knowles. All Internet realisation by David Jackson & Tony Rushforth.
Article by Steve Knowles, Archivist WBCC
I wanted to recreate some of the golden years (and individual games) of WBCC – so that both current and ex players and officials could look back at the club’s history. By coincidence it's centenary was approaching in 2007 and so I saw this as an ideal opportunity to catalogue both the club’s playing and off field activity. Perhaps as a result it might re-kindle an old friendship or two - or merely cause a deal of nostalgia (which, as we all know, ‘ain’t what it used to be’). It’s a history worth preserving. See also 'History' and 'Meetings and Minutes' on the site for a more detailed written (recent) history of the club.
The Archive is not quite 100% complete.There remains just one season's stat's missing (Sunday side 1998). Perhaps details will turn up one day !
Anyway - it’s been long overdue ! A comprehensive record of all competitive matches played by Bretton teams. Scorebook availability means starting from 1952 for the 1st and 2nd teams and from 1992 for the Sunday team. The intention is to stimulate interest in the club and its past – the players, the matches and the records – both for current and older ex players. It is an important part of Bretton’s history and heritage.I hope you’ll appreciate it. I also hope that the Archive contents are of interest to Opposition players as well as those of WBCC.
This Archive is, I think, unique. But, of course, you cannot view it unless you have Excel on your computer, which fortunately, most people have.
Each match has been carefully scrutinised and catalogued, resulting in an exhaustive database of information. It is in Microsoft Excel form - and totals some 37mb in size. Navigation is simple - select a heading under 'Archive' and open the spreadsheet. Browse accordingly. By scrolling to the right or up and down all stats can be viewed. And, of course, there are a number of sub-sheets to view from time to time (look at and along the bottom of any particular sheet to see if other sheets can be accessed - if they can be they will have a small title). To exit that particular sheet press the left pointing Arrow key (top left of screen). So doing will take you back to the original screen. Press Archive again to select a further heading and so on.
Generally speaking, for records etc, I have put Bretton teams and Bretton players in BOLD – to differentiate from Opposition teams and players. The full list of statistics released is as follows:
A full and extensive ARCHIVE OVERVIEW AND CONTENTS (see under 'Contents') - which lists everything present and shows how to find certain information.
A full MATCH LISTING (see under e.g. 'First Team Matches and Averages' etc) for each season for each team – to include brief details showing opposition, venue, result and scores. A more DETAILED MATCH LISTING (see under 'Every Result Ever') is also present - showing more stats for each game - including all scores over 50 plus all '5 fors'.
FULL AVERAGE LISTING (see under e.g. 'First Team Matches and Averages') of all players appearances for each season, leading to a full list of CAREER PLAYING RECORDS (see under 'Individual Players Records and Averages') for all Bretton cricketers. There is then a MATCH BY MATCH PERFORMANCE sheet (see under 'Players Match by Match Performances') - showing every players stat's in every game they played - for whatever Bretton team.
An extensive spread of achievements (good & bad for both Bretton and opposition teams) in the RECORD SECTION (see under 'Player and Club Records'). This, for example, includes all century scores, most catches in a season, most sixes in an innings, best bowling economy rate in a season, most run outs in an innings, worst bowling analysis etc. (over 200 record slots !). I have bracketed together all three teams in this section – producing stats for all teams combined. And don't forget - they include all opposition performances as well !
A selection of reprinted Archive style SCORECARDS (see under 'Noteworthy Scorecards') relating to certain key matches in Brettons history e.g. the lowest & highest scores on record, all tied matches, worst defeat scorecard, unusual matches, any Bretton hundred scored, any Bretton '8 for' taken etc.
CLUB LIST OF ALL AVERAGE WINNERS (see under 'Club's Roll of Honour') - listing all batting, bowling and catching winners for each team for each season.
Please note that cup matches HAVE been identified as such (and have been included) despite being quite difficult to spot over the years. Also, friendly matches are NOT included at all - as individual names, dates,even years and team names - are missing from or mixed up in scorebooks and therefore are not quantifiable.
Every available scorebook has been investigated but unfortunately one appears to be missing. If anyone can help retrieve this document then please contact the author as a matter of urgency. The missing season is...
All statistics have been reproduced in good faith, mainly using information present in West Bretton Cricket Club scorebooks - plus information gathered from other cricket clubs or various local and national Cricket Archives. Please contact the author regarding any spelling errors in names, initials or, indeed, any other information.
Steve Knowles West Bretton Cricket Club Archivist
Contactable on…
07517 490149 and also at…

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