Saturday 20 July 2019

Mayfield CC, (Clayton, Bradford)

This was a new ground for me.
I've delivered in Clayton many times over the years but had never heard of Mayfield**, and it's not exactly a ground you would pass.

Currently playing Dales Council, Division A

From the T & A

Mayfield, formerly known as Tetley Street, have been in the Mutual League since 1920. Their first team finished mid-table in Group B, while their second team were relegated from Group C.All three clubs will be on the usual one-year probation, although a One Stop player has had disciplinary issues with the Dales Council League in the past and is banned from Shipley Providence's ground.
Mayfield's passage has been more complicated.
Mutual Sunday School League disciplinary secretary Mohammed Rafiq said: "They applied to join the Dales Council League on an incomplete 2015 YCB form which was also not supplied before the cut-off date of June 30, 2017.
"Also on Monday, November 6 the Mutual League received an e-mail from Mayfield to try and get their release for the 2018 season."
However, Dales Council League secretary Ron Mackenzie said: "Although the Mutual League will not sign any paperwork, they have said that if we let Mayfield in, they will allow them to go.
"Our executive committee will therefore be having a meeting with Muff Field, Mayfield and One Stop over the winter."
Mayfield's club representative Martin Dunne, who has admitted that his club have had a troubled relationship recently with the Mutual League, said: "There has been a bit of a blip, and the Mutual League wanted us to apply to join the Dales Council League for the 2019 season, but we decided to go to the YCB (Yorkshire Cricket Board).
"I have sent an e-mail recently to Ron (Mackenzie) and we have now been allowed into the Dales Council."
Ironically, Mayfield and Muff Field were announced as joint winners of the Mutual League's Fairplay Trophy at the league's prize-presentation dinner at the Dubrovnik Hotel.

Other than that there's not much info about the club on t'web

**Not to be confused with Mayfield, Sussex

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