Friday 22 February 2019

DHL v Lisa Jewell

Hi - I'm reading "Watching You:
Brilliant psychological crime from the author of
THEN SHE WAS GONE" by Lisa Jewell and wanted to share this quote with you.

"her mum’s side and touched her shoulder.
Her mother clasped her hand over hers.
‘My daughter knows what I’ve been through.
She can tell you.
She can tell you everything.
Maybe then someone will listen.’
‘Mum, we’re going home now.’ Jenna gently pulled her mum to her feet and started to lead her towards the door.
‘I’ve written to the chief superintendent three times in the last six months. I’ve written to my councillor and my MP. Nobody wants to know. I get fobbed off with these meaningless stock replies. Maybe now, maybe someone will actually listen. And you two!’
Her mother turned suddenly as they neared the front door and pointed at the embarrassed-looking couple.
‘I’m sorry I had to approach you both so heavy-handedly. I can see that wasn’t ideal. But as long as decent people like you keep believing what you’re told about people like him, nothing will ever change.’
‘Come on, Mum.’ Jenna kept her moving.
The police officer held open the door and finally her mum was out of the hotel bar, on the pavement. People stopped and watched.
Traffic slowed as it passed.
The two police officers escorted Jenna and her mum back to their house and stayed"

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Feel like you're banging you're head against a brick wall?
I do.

I get the impression DHL know this, and that's why they can get away with more or less anything they want.
I'm not beaten yet.

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