Friday 22 February 2019

Denver Murphy on Radio

Hi - I'm reading "ONE STEP AHEAD: detectives hunt a serial killer who knows all their moves (The DSI Jeffrey Brandt Murders Trilogy Book 1)" by DENVER MURPHY and wanted to share this quote with you.

I'm really with Denver on some of these quotes

"Chapter Eleven
Brandt was singing.
He had never liked listening to the radio and failed to understand why it was so popular.
Why would you spend your time hearing a bunch of songs you didn’t like on the off chance something might be played that was bearable?
Worst of all was those annoyingly cheerful DJs, so stuck for something to say, they invited contributions from dim-witted listeners who had nothing better to do than to call in and share their inane anecdotes.
The only time he tended to switch on the radio was to listen to the news, and for that he deliberately selected a station which didn’t play music at all.
But today was an exception.
Today he was in a good mood.
As soon as he turned on the ignition, he had surfed through the pre-programmed stations on the car’s stereo and had quickly settled on Radio 2.
Most of what was being played was modern stuff he didn’t recognise but currently it was David Bowie’s Let’s Dance. Having never bought a Bowie track in his life, he was surprised to find how many of the words he knew. For those he didn’t, he was quite happy to mumble his way along until the chorus came around. His singing continued with the next song: Lady In Red. It was one of his ex-wife’s favourites but even that didn’t bother him.
She had loved Stars In Their Eyes, an irritating 1990s so-called talent competition where people got made over to supposedly look like the artist they were going to attempt to perform as. Soon after they had started dating, he remembered her crying when the real Chris De Burgh surprised some loser in the middle of the song and turned it into a duet. However, he doubted if his bitch of a wife or if any of the morons who watched it were hearing the lyrics in the same way he did today:"

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