Saturday 9 February 2019

Health and Safety Executive

What happens after you report a health and safety issue

We use the information you tell us to assess if it’s something we should look into.  If it is, then we will take up the problem you report with the company by contacting them by phone, writing or a site visit. We make that assessment within 24 hours (during the working week).  Then, within 21 days, we will tell you what action we’re taking. We can only do this if you tell us your email or postal address.

When we can’t help

We won’t always be able to look into your problem. This could be because:
  • it’s something we’re not responsible for
  • you haven’t given us enough information for us to make an assessment on what is wrong, who is doing it, where and what law applies
  • we decide that it is not a problem that we should take up
  • you are reporting it for someone else (unless they are a child).

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