Saturday 16 November 2019

Extinction Rebellion 5

All these planes were circling around London at the same time.
I hope the passengers paid extra for the sight-seeing tour.

Were the groundstaff on strike?

No Sunday lie-in if you live around Chesham.

This is a monumental piece of bad-planning.
Surely flight speeds could have been adjusted somewhere on the flight path to enable the planes to fly straight into Heathrow, yet every plane seems to have to queue up to land.
New York to Heathrow is just under 3,500 miles
Sao Paulo to Heathrow 5,900 miles

New York to Heathrow

Boston to Heathrow
 Raleigh-Durham to Heathrow

Chicago to Heathrow 
 Hanoi to Heathrow
 Sao Paulo to Heathrow
 Dubai to Heathrow
 Houston to Heathrow
 Denver to Heathrow
 Houston to Heathrow (Different Flight)
 Seattle to Heathrow

Extinction Rebellion 4

Murcia to East Midlands

Alicante to Stansted
Alicante to Manchester - Landing
 Alicante to Manchester - Take off

Extinction Rebellion 3

Leeds to Krakow

Manchester to Munich

Leeds to Rome

Budapest to Birmingham

Yet Zurich to Birmingham comes in from the South

Extinction Rebellion 2

Alicante to Cardiff

Manchester to Doha

Alicante to Stockholm

Murcia to Leeds

Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.

Instead of disrupting the country and bringing traffic to a halt, therefore creating additional pollution by lengthening journey times, here is one suggestion that you could focus on to reduce air pollution.

Why not go and blockade Ryanair & Michael O'Leary's office. He has stated recently that Ryanair are the greenest airline. Bollocks to green, he'd be interested in the cost savings from a reduction in fuel costs.

Where I live I am on the flight paths into and out of Leeds/Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool and as I found out this morning, Doncaster/Sheffield airports.

Why would a flight from DSA need to fly south and then North-West when flying to Faro?
There are many more examples of wasted mileage when looking at flight-paths, but this one seems exceptional. 

I appreciate that planes need to be planned to fly from airport to airport, but why does this flight need to go around Manchester?

I can't see any reason for it not being able to fly south over EMA & BHX, unless it is because it flies over Lord & Lady Snob's mansion.
BHX to FAO doesn't need to go west before flying south, 

But that's just one flight I hear you say.

Economies of scale?

Background on DHL fraud

Information from a former DHL employee regarding fraudulent processing of DHL failures.
This shows that false scanning happened 4 years ago and was reported to DHL's HR department.
Obviously I was wrong to trust her.
Don't try and email her, it has been changed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Whitehead
Sent: 13 August 2015 09:57
To: Tom 
Subject: Re: Dhl

Just trying to find out what she knows and how I can trust her
Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Aug 2015, at 09:58, Tom wrote:
Yes I told her, and your own couriers will tell you how they where told to deliver on paper and not declare, they will not be lying, I got couple of interviews next week, jobs are hard to find
Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Aug 2015, at 08:45, Mike Whitehead wrote:
Thanks Tom
Did you tell her this?
I remember that routes were "lost" ie not declared

How are you doing?
Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Aug 2015, at 09:17, Tom wrote:

Hi Mike
I was dealing with someone called Tracy Green, I do not have any materialistic proof, but every courier was told at meetings, "do not scan any shipments ND", any of the couriers will verify this . and I was always told when I was behind the desk, how to abuse the system to lose ND and failures.
Her e mail address was TracyGreen@dhlcom
Sent from my iPhone

DHL probe furious mum's claims driver had poo next to home

News from Coventry Live here

DHL probe furious mum's claims driver had poo next to home

DHL has pledged to investigate

A delivery firm is investigating a claim that one of its drivers was caught having a poo outside a house in the Midlands.
Courier firm DHL said while it has not yet established that one of its drivers was involved, it is investigating as "a matter of priority".
It comes after a woman named Nadine told BBC Radio Nottingham that she had arrived home from work last Tuesday afternoon, and heard a strange noise as she opened her door.
She said she looked down the side alley next to her house in Gedling, Nottinghamshire, to see a white male with a red and yellow DHL t-shirt on.
He had his boxer shorts down and was wiping his bottom on her fence post, she said. He then pulled his pants up as he ran past her, and went to a van parked nearby.
She said she had to go to her childminder to pick her son up, but when she returned home she had a look and saw faeces in the alleyway. Her husband dealt with it later and also took a photo of it. She now says she wants an apology from the firm. A spokesperson for DHL said today:"Based on the information provided we are yet to ascertain if the individual in question is a DHL employee.
"However, we are investigating this as a matter of priority as this is clearly unacceptable."
Ask yourselves, Why would a driver not have time to find a toilet? Would it be anything to do with the workload placed on him? Two months down the line from the original story I cannot see an update anywhere.

DHL v Trustpilot - Update

Didn't notice, but those figures were for DHL Ireland, though that just shows how wide spread the fraud is throughout DHL.

I've left my own review on the UK site.

DHL v Trustpilot

Figures just taken from this website don't paint too good a picture about DHL. I've highlighted a couple of integrity issues, there are more.

It's not that they fail to meet their service agreements, it's the cover ups. But when you self regulate, it's what you can get away with.

Forged signatures

Drivers constantly sign for my packages for me, and dump them into shops in a town 15 mins away from me. Expensive orders have gone missing and been damaged as a result.

Lying Delivery Drivers

After three full days expecting a delivery (which kept being rescheduled at the end of each day without DHL providing any reason for it), on day 3 they finally marked it as "Recipient moved", and it said on the website that I could pick up my parcel elsewhere "as requested" (I had not requested any such thing). After calling customer service to try to understand why they had failed to deliver my parcel, and are making me have to go pick it up elsewhere, they said that it is standard practice after two failed deliveries.

Now, my husband and I work from home, where we run a small company. Nobody had showed up to deliver the parcel as claimed by DHL. Our phone number was also provided on the parcel details, and yet nobody called.

I understand that picking up the parcel somewhere else is not the end of the world but it is simply not right that if a customer is paying to have it delivered on a particular date and at a particular address, they should be made to wait five days over the expected delivery date and drive god knows where to pick it up when they were in fact at the address provided. In addition to the aggravation and time spent dealing with customer service.

The problem is that this is just standard practice with this company. Lying delivery drivers, or perhaps they are just under too much stress to cover large distances in little time so they resort to this. In any case, you'll be better off with anyone other company.

After speaking to customer service my parcel has been rescheduled for delivery two days from now, so we'll see what happens next. The customer service guy was friendly and helpful but I'm done with the delivery drivers in this company.

In any case, this is not my first bad experience with DHL. It was my mistake for giving it another chance. Check their international sites here on Trustpilot, there's good reason they have an awful score.
If something like this happens to you voice your discontent to the sender, particularly if they are a large company that sends a large volume of parcels. When large companies stop hiring DHL's services they might start thinking of changing their malpractice.

DHL Fraud & the Passport Office - Update

Not much of an update so far, as every response to the Passport office results in a long delay before receiving anything but the automated reply.
I'm currently waiting for some information under a freedom of information request but somehow I think that information may not be forthcoming.

How's this for a headline?

Dead man signs for his own passport

Saturday 12 October 2019

DHL Fraud & the Passport Office

I've had this heading sitting in my drafts since 1st September.

It relates to some fraudulent actions by DHL in Spain in August.

I have had a number of emails from the Passport Office saying that they are following up my complaint, but as yet they are still looking into it.

DHL have stopped responding to me, even though I have been granted authority by the Consignee to follow up on another example of fraud.

When I receive an answer I will post the details. It should be quite interesting as DHL have already lied contradicted themselves in some of their earlier answers.

Top Employers Institute - An email

An email from Top Employers Institute.
Will they have addressed my questions


Don't be silly, why would they?

They are about as ethical as DHL.


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Updating your preferences is as simple as clicking on the button below and selecting the news updates most relevant to you.

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Saturday 31 August 2019

DHL summary on Glassdoor

I have quoted a few examples, quickly found on Glassdoor.
All these examples back up statements that I have already made about DHL and its Management.

Here is a Summary of some of the issues, just to give you a flavour of DHL Life;


Rules & Regulations





Self Regulation

Health and Safety


DHL v. Rules and regulations

When you are self regulated you can do what you want.
There were numerous issues raised in my complaint to DHL

DHL & Slavery - Glassdoor

Following on from DHL's use of slaves in an advertisement on twitter (Which quite mysteriously seems to have "disappeared"), I'm not the only person highlighting slavery

DHL Vendetta - Glassdoor

DHL Values - Glassdoor


DHL on Glassdoor - Self Regulation

HR Policies are really poor.
Why? Self Regulation means that they can do what they want.
It's why complaints are meaningless.

 Staff Churn - Ditto

Thursday 29 August 2019

DHL - Health and Safety on Glassdoor

Not just Health and Safety, but plenty of other issues mentioned here.
Virtually all issues that I had raised with DHL management.

May I just raise the self regulating issue here?

DHL - More Bullying on Glassdoor

You will see from the times on the top of each photo that it took me just 23 minutes to find the following.
That was just scrolling through the reviews without using any filters.

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

That's a nice half-dozen to add to the previous example, all with bullying specifically mentioned.

#tailended moves house

I have created a new blog for all things #tailended

Clearing some space for those stories on fraud within DHL.

Top Employers Institute - August Update

If you can call it an update, here's one from the Top Employers Institute.

Hello Mike,

Thank you for showing interest in receiving a newsletter from Top Employers Institute. We hope to inspire you with news and insights from ourselves, as well as Top Employers from around the world and industry experts as well as HR leaders, who together, encourage the building of a better world of work.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Just answer the question, because reality contradicts this.

the building of a better world of work

If I was the Top Employers Institute, I wouldn't want to be associated with DHL, let alone awarding them a certification.
I'm not sure how fraud, deceit, hypocrisy, Lies and bullying creates a "better world of work".

Saturday 24 August 2019

DHL on Glassdoor - Bullying

If you speak up your out

Anyone doubt these reviews on Glassdoor aren't genuine?

DHL Lies -Glassdoor

I was going to post a few of these together, but my photo's aren't downloading.
It doesn't take long to find examples on Glassdoor to back up my own evidence.

Management have a tendency to bend the truth.

That's one to back up my statement of Lies

DHL Fraud v. DHL Bullying

Spoiler alert

It's a draw
It would normally go to penalties.
But there can't be any for DHL

I have previously detailed examples of why I named my book,
Hypocrisy & 
You can use the label index on the right to find some of the details listed under each category.
I'm not sure why, but presumably due to the way that I set up the initial draft, I cannot make the book free on Amazon. It was meant to be available for anyone to see the real face of DHL. Bullying included, on top of the deceit, hypocrisy and lies.
Everything listed and used is 100% genuine.
Some of it you couldn't even make up.

I received a phone call from DHL earlier this afternoon following an example of fraud that I have been following up for a friend.
Yes, that is friend and not friend, as in me.
Unfortunately, being in Spain, it was no surprise that we were cut off. The agent hasn't, as yet, phoned back. The little of the conversation that the agent managed was a response to my previously unanswered question "Who regulates DHL?"
Andy, as we shall call him, for that was his name, got as far as self-regulated.

Anyone see where this might be going?
Answers on a postcard to the usual address etc.

Self-regulated = un-regulated.
DHL can do anything it wants because no-one is going to slap their pandies, let alone fine them for fraud or bullying, Managers know that they can get away with anything because nothing can/will happen.

Hence the draw, with no penalty shoot out.

Both bullying and fraud is rife within DHL because Managers know that they can get away with it.