Sunday 2 September 2018

Radio Ga-ga

I only get a chance to listen to the radio for any length of time on my commute to and from work. Normally around 30 minutes eachway.
A couple of stories in the last few days that have connections to me, showing that bullying and a lack of integrity is common place in a lot of areas. It's just becoming the norm.

Frank Field was interviewed on Radio Five Live's Drive programme. An MP criticising his own party as follows, a quote from BBC News

"The Birkenhead MP also blamed a "culture of intolerance, nastiness and intimidation" in local parties."

An article in the New Statesman also implies dishonesty in the party, 

"But the nature of his departure differs in several significant respects from that of John Woodcock, the only other Labour MP to have quit the PLP so far. Unlike Woodcock, who claimed an internal investigation into allegations of sexual harassment was rigged against him for factional purposes, and said Labour was unfit for government, Field remains a member of the party, although sources close to the leadership are claiming it is not possible to resign as a Labour MP and do so."

Spotted on iPlayer this morning was a programme in the Horizon series, I haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but I can guess some of the reasons that might be influential in why a programme called "Stopping Male Suicide" would be necessary.

"Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car accidents, and even more than cancer. This means that the most likely thing to kill Dr Xand Van Tulleken ishimself. And he wants to know why. In this sensitive film, Xand finds out what we know about why people develop suicidal thoughts, and whether there is anything that we can do about it."

Bullying, certainly in my case, is definity a contributory factor in leading me towards suicide. The bully doesn't care, and as the bully is normally in a positio of authority he/she can usually get away with it.

Integrity in reporting is questioned in a report on Radio 5 Live Drive on Friday 31st August 2018, more in the Daily Telegraph & Guardian articles on the same date. Innaccurate, openness, honesty and transparency are words used in the interview, as information from the Royal college of Obstretricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) was suppressed by the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, who then paid RCOG to change the report.

Not on the radio, but a meeting this week with a courier who works for DHL revealed that the correct taking of breaks is still not taking place. This is an issue that was raised with DHL some time ago. It was included in the information sent to Barry Elrington with other Health and Safety issues as part of my STTT (Straight to the top) complaint, as acknowledged below.

Following your complaints and e-mails I can advise that ;
  • I have reviewed your case with John Morrison and the meeting of 30th August where your concerns were raised and discussed.
  • Regarding your e-mail of the 8th October and subsequent photographs I have passed these onto our Head of Health and Safety who reviewed and sent one of his team into LBA SVC to review.
  • I will be completing a follow up meeting with Nik and his team in week 44 – this is due to holidays and staff availability.

I will advise in due course



For anyone submitting what is allegedly a straight to the top complaint. Your complaint will neither go straight or to the top. In my case it was passed around and resulted in a meeting with an Area Manager who, in my opinion supported his bullying Manager.

Why would a courier "choose" to work through a break?
He/she doesn't have much choice.
His/her workload is such that he/she has to do this, or, face the consequences. Such is the power of the bully.

I have a number of PUD route reports, as shown earlier, on my "source Material" page. These reports show the number of couriers having to work through their break. Sorry,I'm sure that the correct DHL line would be choosing to work through their breaks.
I also have e-mails titled EODtemplate.doc. I have one of these emails that shows three couriers not taking a break because they were "helping LA22".
Would they have "chosen" to do this? or were they instructed to go and help LA22.

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