Wednesday 19 September 2018

More on Kindle publishing

I'm not going to say that it is dead easy but it's not rocket science.

I have a book.
A kindle book.
It needs a lot more work yet, but it is there, in all its current glory.
There are some bits and bobs to add, but mainly it will be editing and presentaion.

Hypocrisy and
Lies exists, it's alive, Gordon's alive.

My version of Dalsy, Hillblom & Lynn, founders of the Company in 1969.

Alternatively from an Urban Dictionary, and this is sooooo apt it should get a smiley.

To get dissed, stood up, ignored or not in the loop. Named after the shipping company notorious for their poor service.
Dude, that girl totally DHL-ed me last night, and I was standing there waiting around for nothing. I don't even know what I did wrong.
by Pogue2012 June 13, 2008


After the shipping company, it stands for "Delivered Here Late" due to DHL'snotorious shipping service.
"Sam, you freaking idiot! I can't believe you didn't overnight that. Now it's gonna be DHL-ed.."
by Poe Boy March 02, 2008

An excellent 1st class courier company that can be blamed for the non arrival of purchased goods anywhere around the world. DHL can also be blamed by anyone who has lied and said they sent you a Christmas present which will never arrive. Also birthdays, or any gift giving occasion you haven't been arsed with can be blamed on DHL.
'I can't believe you still haven't received the present I got you. It's been 6 monthsalready. Never using DHL again!!'
'Honestly don't worry about it. You didn't know DHL stands for Damaged, Held or Lost.'
by MJwrites July 29, 2017

Drivers Hopelessly Lost
Person A: Did you get that package yet?
Person B: No, I used DHL.
by jbkurz December 14, 2010

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