Saturday 29 September 2018


I get plenty of time when commuting and also whilst out on road to listen to podcasts.
These are some of my favourites.

Loosely based on cricket, it features Jimmy Anderson (worlds record wicket taker-Non spinner), Felix White (Maccabees) and Greg James (Radio 1 DJ).
An addition from almost the start of the podcast is Machin Tendulkar, so called, as Matt is loosely related to Indian cricketing God, Sachin Tendulkar. Machin was a complete noobie to cricket, which he knew nothing about, and asks questions by proxy for his mate Chris.
Absolutely brilliant, especially the Michael Vaughan episode.

The team meet Machin Tendulkar

Next up, a podcast about serial killers with plenty of general fill in chat. May contain the odd swear word. There are currently 50 different serial killers discussed from Peter Sutcliffe, Fred and Rose West and Harold Shipman to David Berkowitz and the Zodiac Killer.

Another sporting podcast. At home with has Colin Murray interviewing various sports persons.
Excellent series.
John Barnes
Nigel Owens
Michael Carrick
Kumar Sangachihuahua (See Tailenders)
Kriss Akabusi
Luther Blissett
Ossie Ardiles
To name a few

Another excellent sporting podcast with
Andrew (Freddie) Flintoff, Robbie Savage and the ping-pong guy, (Matthew Syed)

Similar to the At home with series, When Orla met has some excellent interviews with;
Mark Cavendish
Johnny Peacock
Jonathan Waughters
Judy Murray
Pippa York
again, just to name a few.

Saturday 22 September 2018

DHL - STTT (Straight to the top) complaint, continued, Plan B

Let's see if this works

DHL - STTT (Straight to the top) complaint, continued, Part 3

Rats !!!!!

Or words to that effect

Activate plan B

DHL - STTT (Straight to the top) complaint, continued, Part 2

I haven't had an answer in over 3 weeks, so I've sent them my update.

My initial book draft.

I thought for a while it was too big a file to send, but it's just gone.

DHL - STTT (Straight to the top) complaint, continued


Anyone surprised there isn't one

DHL & Top Employers Institute, continued


There isn't one

Friday 21 September 2018

Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager

An easy one for DHL management to decipher, it can't have been that long ago.

Hi - I'm reading "Last Time I Lied: by Riley Sager and wanted to share this quote with you.

"“Did you like it here?” Sasha says as bombastic music rises from her phone and exploding candy pieces reflect off the lenses of her glasses.
“At first. Then not so much.” “Why did you come back?” Krystal asks. “To make sure you girls have a better time than I did.” “What happened?” Miranda says. “Something horrible?”
She leans forward, her phone temporarily discarded as she waits for my answer. It gives me an idea. “Phones off,” I say. “I mean it.” All three of them groan. Miranda’s is the most dramatic as she, like the others, switches off her phone. I sit cross-legged on the floor, my back pressed against the edge of my bunk. I pat the spaces on either side of me until the girls do the same. “What are we doing?” Sasha asks.
“Playing a game. It’s called Two Truths and a Lie. You say three things about yourself. Two of them must be true. One is false. The rest of us have to guess the lie.” We played it a lot during my brief time in Dogwood, including the night of my arrival. The four of us were laying on our bunks in the darkness of the cabin, listening to nature’s chorus of crickets and bullfrogs outside the window, when Vivian suddenly said, Two Truths and a Lie, ladies. I’ll start.
She began to utter three statements, either assuming we already knew how the game was played or just not caring if we didn’t. One: I once met the president. His palm was sweaty. Two: My parents were going to get a divorce but then decided not to when my dad got elected. Three: Once, on vacation in Australia, I got pooped on by a koala. Three, Natalie said. You used it last year. No, I didn’t. You totally did, Allison said. You told us the koala peed on you. That’s how it went every night. The four of us in the dark. Sharing things we’d never reveal in the light of day. Constructing our lies so they’d sound real. It’s how I learned that Natalie once kissed a field hockey teammate and that Allison tried to sabotage a matinee of Les Misérables by spilling grape juice on her mother’s costume five minutes before curtain.
The game was Vivian’s favorite. She said you could learn more about a person from their lies than their truths. At the time, I didn’t believe her. I do now.""“I’ll start,” Miranda says. “Number one: I once made out with an altar boy in the confessional during Christmas mass. Number two: I read a hundred books a year, mostly mysteries. Number three: I once threw up after riding the Cyclone at Coney Island.” “The second one,” Krystal says. “Definitely,” Sasha adds. Miranda pretends to be annoyed, even though I can tell she’s secretly pleased with herself. “Just because I’m smoking hot doesn’t make me illiterate. Hot girls read.” “Then what’s the lie?” Sasha says. “I’m not telling.” Miranda gives us an impish grin. “Let’s just say I’ve never been to Coney Island, but I go to mass all the time.”
Krystal goes next, telling us that her favorite superhero is Spider-Man; that her middle name is also Crystal, although spelled with a C; and that she, too, threw up after riding the Cyclone. “Second one,” we all say in unison. “Was it that obvious?” “I’m sorry,” Miranda says, “but Krystal Crystal? No parent would be that cruel.”
When it’s time for her turn, Sasha nervously pushes her glasses higher onto her nose and wrinkles her brow in concentration. Clearly, she’s not used to lying. “Um, my favorite food is pizza,” she says. “That’s number one. Number two: My favorite animal is the pygmy hippopotamus. Three: I don’t think I can do this. Lying’s wrong, you guys.” “It’s okay,” I tell her. “Your honesty is noble.” “She’s lying,” Miranda says. “Right, Sasha? The third one is the lie?” Sasha shrugs broadly, feigning innocence. “I don’t know. You’ll have to wait and see.”
“Your turn, Emma,” Krystal says. “Two truths and one lie.” I take a deep breath, stalling. Even though I knew this was coming, I can’t think of suitable things to say. There’s so much I could reveal about myself. So little I actually want to have exposed. “One: My favorite color is periwinkle blue,” I announce. “Two: I have been to the Louvre. Twice.” “You still need to give us a third one,” Miranda says. I stall some more, mulling the possibilities in my head, ultimately settling on something perched between fiction and fact. “During the summer of my thirteenth year, I did something terrible.” “Totally the last one,” Miranda says to nods of agreement from the others. “I mean, if you truly had done something terrible, you’re not going to admit it during a game.” I smile, pretending that they’re right. What none of them understand is that the point of the game isn’t to fool others with a lie. The goal is to trick them by telling the truth."
I must be trying to trick them

"By the time I’m back at Dogwood, I’ve concluded that’s what it was.
A trick of the light.
A brief optical illusion.
At least that’s what I force myself to believe.
Lying to myself.
It’s the only falsehood I allow."
Ah, so it wasn't a dream, it was a trick of the light, an otical illusion
"I told you so. “I thought you were drowning,” I said. “We all did. Why would you lie about something like that?” “Why not?” “Because it wasn’t one of your stupid games!” Vivian sighed and began the swim back to the canoe. “Everything is a game, Em. Whether you know it or not. Which means that sometimes a lie is more than just a lie. Sometimes it’s the only way to win.”"
The only way to win - See DHL Leeds being ranked number one, based on lies. If I've not mentioned it on here, it's definitely in the book.
"But that might not matter for much longer. Because. I. Found. It. That clichéd missing piece that ties everything together. Everything makes sense now. I know the truth. All I need to do is expose it. But there’s a hitch. After reading you, dear diary, Natalie and Allison want in on it. And I’ve decided I’m going to tell them everything. Because I can’t do this without their help. I thought I could, but that’s no longer an option."
I know the truth, hence the book

"“But they did come back.” A tear slips out, rolls down my cheek. “Later that night. Only they couldn’t get back into the cabin.” “Why?” Miranda asks. I know I should stop. I’ve already said too much. But there’s no turning back now. I’m tired of omitting things, which is practically the same as lying. I want to speak the truth. Maybe that’s what might finally heal me. “Because I locked the door behind them.”"

The last line in the book, it is so apt.
Thanks Riley

"You will refuse to cover her up. The time for lies is over."

Wednesday 19 September 2018

More on Kindle publishing

I'm not going to say that it is dead easy but it's not rocket science.

I have a book.
A kindle book.
It needs a lot more work yet, but it is there, in all its current glory.
There are some bits and bobs to add, but mainly it will be editing and presentaion.

Hypocrisy and
Lies exists, it's alive, Gordon's alive.

My version of Dalsy, Hillblom & Lynn, founders of the Company in 1969.

Alternatively from an Urban Dictionary, and this is sooooo apt it should get a smiley.

To get dissed, stood up, ignored or not in the loop. Named after the shipping company notorious for their poor service.
Dude, that girl totally DHL-ed me last night, and I was standing there waiting around for nothing. I don't even know what I did wrong.
by Pogue2012 June 13, 2008


After the shipping company, it stands for "Delivered Here Late" due to DHL'snotorious shipping service.
"Sam, you freaking idiot! I can't believe you didn't overnight that. Now it's gonna be DHL-ed.."
by Poe Boy March 02, 2008

An excellent 1st class courier company that can be blamed for the non arrival of purchased goods anywhere around the world. DHL can also be blamed by anyone who has lied and said they sent you a Christmas present which will never arrive. Also birthdays, or any gift giving occasion you haven't been arsed with can be blamed on DHL.
'I can't believe you still haven't received the present I got you. It's been 6 monthsalready. Never using DHL again!!'
'Honestly don't worry about it. You didn't know DHL stands for Damaged, Held or Lost.'
by MJwrites July 29, 2017

Drivers Hopelessly Lost
Person A: Did you get that package yet?
Person B: No, I used DHL.
by jbkurz December 14, 2010

Saturday 15 September 2018

Self Publishing on Kindle

I hadn't thought about this option.
All it took was a quick google.
I expected a lot more hassle through editors and publishers before being able to "print" a book

It's all there, step by step, build a book.
Create or import your cover, then import your book file.
Maybe not quite simples, but not far off.

Here's a Link to the web page

DHL - STTT (Straight to the top) complaint

Details provided

No assistance given

DHL straight to the top complaints?
They're a sham

The Late Show - Michael Connelly

One of my favourite authors, and a bargain @ 99p in a Kindle format. Another great read from Michael, he of the Bosch books. A few more quotes that spurred several significant thoughts. I'll leave you to make the connections.
I like the way you can email the quotes to yourself on Kindle.

Hi - I'm reading "The Late Show" by Michael Connelly and wanted to share this quote with you.

"He just wanted a place to be left alone to do his job. The police headquarters downtown was called the PAB, for Police Administration Building. Guys like Jenkins believed that PAB stood for Politics and Bureaucracy, or Politics and Bullshit, take your pick."

"For nearly five years they had been partners in the Homicide Special Section, until Chastain had chosen not to back Ballard in the complaint she had filed against Olivas. Without his confirmation of the lieutenant’s behavior—which he had directly witnessed—there was no case. Internal Affairs concluded that the complaint was unfounded. Olivas kept his job and Ballard was transferred to Hollywood Division. The captain at Hollywood, an academy classmate of Olivas’s, put her on the night shift with Jenkins. The late show. End of story. Ballard turned away from her old partner and looked at the ceiling"

"He was a closer, no doubt, and was deservedly the lieutenant’s go-to guy on the squad. The only problem was that outside of his cases his moral compass didn’t always point true north. He made choices based on political and bureaucratic expediency, not right and wrong. Ballard had learned that the hard way. Dr. J. patted Chastain on the shoulder so that he would move out of the way"

"“What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about when you told me to back off the complaint. About how you said Olivas was going through a bad divorce and losing half his pension and not acting right and all of that bullshit—as if it made what he did to me okay.” “I don’t understand what that has to do with—” “You didn’t even keep my number in your phone, Kenny. You washed your hands of the whole thing. You’re not sorry about anything. You saw an opportunity back then and you took it. You had to throw me under the bus but you didn’t hesitate.” “No, you’re wrong.” “No, I’m right. If anything, you feel guilty, not sorry.” She stood up at her desk to get on equal footing with him. “Why the hell did I ever think you would"

"It wasn’t Ballard’s case but Haddel was her victim and the bond was there. Ballard bent her knees sharply and took several deep digging strokes as she tried to move on from the Chastain loop she kept playing in her head. She tried to think about Ramona Ramone instead and about Officer Taylor saying that she had been at the upside-down house. Ballard wondered what that meant, and it worked on her, becoming the new loop that played in her head. After an hour on the water, Ballard had a layer of sweat building between her skin and the wet suit. It kept her warm but she could feel her muscles tightening."

"“Don’t bother,” Jenkins said. “Sleep late if you can. You need it.” “Just pisses me off that he comes in here to you because he thinks I’m out.” “Look, I’ve been reading about Japan to Marcie, and they have this saying over there: The—” “I’m talking about these men and you’re telling me about Japan?” “Would you listen to me? I’m not one of ‘these men,’ okay? I read her books about places we never got to. She’s interested in Japanese history right now, so that’s what I’m reading to her. And there’s this saying they have about conformist society: The nail that sticks out gets pounded down.” “Okay, so what are you saying?” “I’m saying there’s a lot of guys in this department with hammers. Watch yourself.” “You don’t have to tell me that.”"

"In the courtyard in front of the PAB, Ballard thanked Towson for saving her career. He said she had done that herself. “You following the reporter last night—that was genius,” he said. “That’s all we needed, and the beauty of it is, it will keep Feltzer in line. As long as you have that, you’re in good shape.” Ballard turned back to look up at the PAB. The tower of City Hall was reflected in the glass facade. “My partner on the late show, he says PAB stands for Politics and Bullshit,” she said. “This is one of the days I think he’s right.” “You take care, Renée,” Towson said. “Call if you need anything.” “You’re going to invoice me, right?” “I’ll think about that. This is a situation where the accomplishment is its own reward. The look on Feltzer’s face after he saw the loop? That was worth a million dollars.” “I’m not a pro bono case, Counselor. Send me a bill—just not for a million dollars.” “All right. I will.” The mention of money reminded Ballard of something. “By the way, do you have a business card?” she asked. “I’m going to recommend you to someone.” “Sure do,” Towson replied. He dug into his suit coat pocket and gave her a short stack of cards. “Take a few,” he said. “They’re free.” She smiled and thanked him."

"“Have you ever killed anyone before?” Hinojos asked. “No,” Ballard said. “First time.” “How are you feeling about it today?” “To be honest, I feel fine about it. If I hadn’t killed him, he would have killed me. I have no doubt.” She immediately regretted starting her answer with “to be honest.” Usually when people said that, they were being anything but honest. The session continued down avenues of questioning Ballard had fully expected. As with almost every situation an officer faced regarding internal investigations and procedures, she was well versed in what would be asked and how it should best be answered. The union newsletters carried case examples all the time that were analyzed in depth. Ballard knew that the important thing to say and project with Hinojos was that there was no second-guessing of her actions up to and including the killing of Trent. Showing regret or remorse would be wrong moves. The department needed"

"Hinojos nodded. “I’ve done this a long time,” she said. “I’ve seen long careers and careers cut short. The difference is in how you handle the darkness.” “The darkness?” Ballard said. “I work the late show. There is nothing but—” “I’m talking about the darkness within. You have a job, Detective, that takes you into the bleakest side of the human soul. Into the darkness of people like Trent. To me it’s like the laws of physics—for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. If you go into darkness, the darkness goes into you. You then have to decide what to do with it. How to keep yourself safe from it. How to keep it from hollowing you out.” She paused there and Ballard knew not to speak. “Find something that protects you, Detective Ballard.” Hinojos got up from her chair then and the session was over. She walked Ballard to the room’s door. Ballard nodded a good-bye. “Thank you, Doctor.” “Stay safe, Detective Ballard.”"

Savage Diamond Blue Logistics

I received a document which is titled
“Financial Information to Creditors and Members of Savage Blue Limited

Pursuant to Statement of Insolvency Practice 6”

The front page has a statement signed by Graham Wright (Director). “I confirm that the contents of this report have been prepared from information provided by me and that they are true to the best of my knowledge and belief”. It looks like the toytown dictionary has been used again. True!!!
  • I have a number of issues with this document; I resigned as a director on 3rd November 2017. I was made redundant, I didn’t resign. Where is the paperwork to say that I resigned?
  • Administrative expenses increased from 166,273 to 239,275 in a single year. Why? Where did these additional costs come from? In the same period, sales were only slightly down.
  • The accounts were approved by the board. No they weren’t. Board meetings? I think not. The were only approved by Graham and/or Donna.
  • Since incorporation, the Company has grown year on year. Why then a sudden loss and liquidation?
  •  A new contract was due to be agreed with DHL in October 2017. No it wasn’t you were resigning the routes.
  • Unbeknown, here’s that word again.  I’ve already covered this.
  • Revision to the new contract offered by DHL, whereby a 33% reduction was offered. Not vindictive? 33% reduction sounds very vindictive to me. However, why would ABG take over these routes if they weren’t profitable? Unless……  they were offered a different rate. However, Why did a proposed rate change in October 2017 affect the profit and loss for that year.
  • If the Company had tendered for this contract at the reduced rate, this would have led to serious cash flow problems. Would have, not did, because the contract was lost to ABG.
  •  “During the notice period….the former director persisted in submitting further complaints”. Persisted and further, that toytown dictionary got some hammer, didn’t it?. One complaint, One, which but of one can’t they understand?
  • The Company had no alternative but to cease trading on 31st October 2017. Why? Savage Blue had always made a profit, the payment from DHL when it came in halfway through the next month was always, in effect cash in hand as all the bills/wages had been paid.
  • The Director advised that the Franchise fee related to the contract with DHL. Did it really Graham? Savage Blue a franchise of DHL?
Roll up all my observations and have a guess what my opinion is? The clue is in the last observation. I believe that the set-up and operating costs of Diamond Logistics were put through Savage Blue’s accounts. The accounts on Companies House website confirm the profitability of Savage Blue up until the start of Diamond Logistics. This would explain the rise in administrative expenses of £73,002. Franchise fees, building costs, electric, gas, wages, etc.
If providing false information to an Employment Tribunal is perjury. What is providing false information to the liquidators?

Sunday 9 September 2018

DHL & Glassdoor

I had a quick look on the Glassdoor website
It didn't take long to find these reviews

Rule by fear, bullying, verbal abuse, no morals, fudging expense reports, lied, vendettas, tyrannical, unethical practices, bad culture, just to highlight a few of the phrases mentioned below.

DHL & Top Employers Institute

DHL Express has been recognized for the fourth straight year as a leading global employer. Top Employers Institute awarded its prestigious Top Employer Global to DHL after certifying the company's HR practices in 50 countries, more than any other company.

I contacted the Top Employers Institute a couple of weeks ago....................

still waiting

Three years later

I'm sure that the DHL response to my previous post would be that it was a historical issue. Reviews had been made, things had changed.

Whatever, to quote the youth of today.
If that is the case then why does it still happen?
DHL employees complained about not being able to take a break when I was still working there and I was speaking to a DHL driver the other day. Tuesday, in fact.
It was approximately 16.30 and he hadn't taken a break at that point. He said that it was the norm.

DHL and Working time regulations

HH01 Under target, NO BREAK and leaving early with no additional volume!!
HH03 Under target, NO BREAK and leaving early with less volume!!
HH04 PART BREAK, also not arriving/clearing his scanner on return to SVC which is adding ORH’s.
HH07 PART BREAK, leaving early with no additional volume.
HH08 Under target, Not fulfilling break and leaving early with less volume
HH10 Under target, NO BREAK, Leaving early with less volume.
HH11 Not fulfilling Break
HH12 Under target, NO BREAK, leaving early with volume. The question arises if correctly flexed this route wouldn’t need to run with volumes offset against routes running under.
HH13 Same as above.
HH16 NO BREAK. Also his scanner is not being arrived/cleared due to his material being collected by meet courier which is adding ORH. He needs to be educated on this.

Details of an email sent by Karl Harrison, 24th August 2015
It's not a good idea to highlight your own failings on an email. Yes, some of those are our routes, but why would our drivers need to work through their breaks?
Volume of work.
My book will show that according to Karl we were running three routes short. That is why drivers were having to work through their breaks. Whilst some of the routes show under target, according to Karl, these planned volumes were just made up.

Disclosure, BBC Scotland

Just caught part of the "Harmed by my Surgeon" on  Disclosure, BBC Scotland

It's not just that Sam Eljamel harmed his patients for years, but that the Royal College of Surgeons and NHS Tayside tried to cover up their failings. 
The board also asked the Royal College of Surgeons to investigate which they did, sending an interim report in October 2013 followed by a final one on 6 December.
That date is important because NHS Tayside told BBC Disclosure that it acted "immediately" to suspend Mr Eljamel and report him to the GMC.
And yet we know that the health board allowed him to operate on Ms Rose on 9 December - three days later.
A report finally released 
The report talks about;
  • a surgeon who failed to supervise his trainees
  • who regularly got his juniors to do his operations for him, and who "rushed" through surgery
  • Mr Eljamel often being difficult to get hold of because he was busy doing private work
  • some of his colleagues complaining he had "bullied" them
  • taking on too many cases, and there were examples given where he was "unwilling to scrub up to join in [surgery]".
  • and questioning how the health board managed oversight of Mr Eljamel.
Who was Sam Eljamel?

He was the head of the neurosurgery department in Ninewells - one of just four specialist centres in Scotland.

The surgeon was an adviser to the Scottish government and also worked at Fernbrae private hospital in Dundee.
We know that he qualified in Tripoli in Libya before moving to Liverpool.
From there he went to Dublin where Mr Eljamel worked as a senior neurosurgical registrar.
He then went to Connecticut where he claims he completed a fellowship at Hartford Hospital.
Although when we contacted them they said they had no record of this.
He also claims he was a visiting professor at the Universities of Connecticut and San Diego but when BBC Disclosure contacted them the universities said this was not the case.
What happened to Eljamel?
He was allowed to retire from NHS Tayside in May 2014 and to remove himself from the UK medical register.
It means: no further investigation, no sanction and no disciplinary action by the General Medical Council.
The GMC told BBC Disclosure that its priority was "to protect patients". Not to "punish doctors".
NHS Tayside's medical director, Prof Andrew Russell, said: "We have heard from a number of patients from 2012 to 2016 who have had concerns and we have ensured we have listened to their complaints and taken appropriate action to support patients as per our duty of care.
"There has been much learning by the organisation immediately following these events and many improvements have been made over the past five years.
"I would like to reassure our patients that NHS Tayside complies with all national standards relating to spinal surgery, with patient safety front and centre of every procedure carried out."
Another intimidating bully plays the system and walks away.

This followed on from a report on BBC Breakfast. I can't find any record of it, as yet, on the website, but it related to suicide, depression and sponsorship/partnership of the campaign by Harlequins RUFC.

With suicide currently such a hot topic, there must be a connection to the historical acceptance of bullying in the workplace.
It is so prevalent that Management know that they can bypass the "rules" and get away with bullying their employees.
The employees know that it is difficult to report bullying, especially by their management, for fear of retribution, which will be backed by higher management. See my comments on DHL, Leeds.