Thursday 16 August 2018

Source Material

Source Material

This is a screen shot of a PUD route report.
If I posted the whole file it would be enormous. I have loads of these reports. They all show the same thing.
As it 'appens guys 'n' galls, in posting this source material like this it actually hides the reason that I used it.
A happy accident.

This report shows a whole week's despatch by the DHL depot in Leeds.
It shows every route that was declared on road (Yes, some were hidden)
The column that you can't see is one titled "breaks".
It isn't really part of my story, but it emphasises the lack of integrity in some of the reporting in the Leeds Depot, or station, as DHL call them.
It will be used in the book to back up some of the things that I comment on.

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