Thursday 16 August 2018

Off and running

There we go.

Post number 1 and a flag counter added as well.

That's me, the Spanish flag, down at the bottom of the blog.

I'm on holiday, which is why I've been able to create so many pages to date. There may be some duplication in those pages, I haven't done much editing with it yet. It is difficult trying to get everything into a chronological order, there are so many inter-twining threads. So there will be a lot of cutting and pasting to do later, shuffling everything about to create something that has a modicum of sense about it.

Did I say it was a work of FACT?

I think I might just have done so.

"Fact" may get repeated a number of times, as will the word "Clarity".

Clarity has a meaning in the Toytown dictionary used by Donna Wright, Company Secretary of both Savage Blue and Savage Logistics. To help avoid confusion between the two Companies, I will be referring to Savage Logistics as Diamond Logistics, their trading name.
More clarity is required, to re-confirm that the Diamond Logistics referred to is the Leeds franchise, not the Head Office.
Just realised that my clarity needs more clarity. Donna is the former Company Secretary of Savage Blue Ltd. More clarity on that later.
The Toytown meaning of clarity is mis-direction. The more that you bang on and on about clarity, the more it is a cover up for what you are really doing. In this case, Graham Wright ((Managing Director) (Former) and Donna have used their emphasis on clarity to lie to an employment tribunal and to the liquidators,Wilson Field, about Savage Blue Ltd.

Maybe that should be the Ex-Savage Blue Ltd.

And yes, I am taking the piss michael, when talking about clarity.

I will be dealing facts, not clarity.

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