Thursday 16 August 2018


In the current format of my book the index is as follows;

Page 9     In the beginning (Not the ELP track from Trilogy)
Page 37   Exclusion
Page 56   Stitching up Savage Blue
Page 83   Health and Safety
Page 132 Vindictiveness towards Terry Flatt
Page 150 Integrity - DHL Leeds
Page 158 Integrity - David Lancaster, lack of
Page 173 TUPE transfer
Page 186 Diamond Logistics
Page 199 The End Game
Page 247 Productivity
Page 254 Appendices

These may, nay, will, change. I think the productivity chapter is a duplication of some of the earlier pages.
One of the appendices, on the Seattle plane crash doesn't quite show what I thought it contained, neither do some of the other connected plane crashes.

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