Monday 27 August 2018

DHL Integrity

A summary of some of the emails sent to DHL following a straight to the top (STTT) complaint that I raised. DHL have had copies of these emails for quite some time, so any issue that DHL could possibly have regarding their content should have been raised already.

17  Deductions made from Savage Blue invoices without any details provided. Integrity?
18  My perception of Nik Collins backing David Lancaster regarding lying & integrity. This email notes 3 additional complaints about David Lancaster & David Lancaster’s picking on SB employees. Victimisation.
19 Bullying/integrity referred to Graham Wright. “Nik is trying to dictate” & “hiding routes on paper”
20 My calculations supplied to Nik Collins & Karl Harrison following our meeting. I always thought that this was the email that kicked everything off. If Nik Collins doesn’t answer to me, then why did Nik Collins request my attendance at the meeting? & why the follow-up? It was only when Nik was exposed that he “didn’t answer” to me. The thread of emails also shows that Karl Harrison was being evasive again when proved wrong. “Also why do you answer a question with a question and try to deflect away what the topic?” my answer showed there was a relevance to Karl’s thread.
21 “I will not tolerate a contractor interacting with me in this manner” All I did was ask for an  explanation of some of the issues that had come up. It wasn’t as if I’d called him a thief. Why  couldn’t Nik Collins answer any of my questions? Again, why had we held the original meeting. Did Nik Collins think that I didn’t know enough about Savage Blue and the invoicing that he could try and hoodwink me?
22 Graham backs my questioning by asking Nik Collins “this should have gone up to reflect the routes”

There are quite a few more.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Teddy out of the cot

Remind me Nik

Who invited who to your meeting
'Tweren't me, was it

So how come you suddenly didn't answer to me?

Was it because I rumbled you on our missing £23,000?

Who is this Nik of which I speak?

That would be Nik Collins
Service Centre Manager
DHL Station (Depot)

Motivational Quotes

Sometimes you have to get knocked
down lower than you've ever been,
to stand up taller
than you than you ever were.

Thursday 16 August 2018

More sources

Page 255 of my book has a list of the appendices.
There's some official looking documentation there.
Unfortunately these are not as accurate as you may think that they should be.
Item 4 contains a number of lies, highlighted in the chapter "The End Game"
Item 5 contains a number of lies, also highlighted in the chapter "The End Game"
Items 7,8 & 9 are all paper exercises by DHL, mainly described in the Chapter "Health and Safety", though there are examples littered all through the book. Double standards? of course they are.
Item 11 is very questionable, it contains lies, but who supplied them?


In the current format of my book the index is as follows;

Page 9     In the beginning (Not the ELP track from Trilogy)
Page 37   Exclusion
Page 56   Stitching up Savage Blue
Page 83   Health and Safety
Page 132 Vindictiveness towards Terry Flatt
Page 150 Integrity - DHL Leeds
Page 158 Integrity - David Lancaster, lack of
Page 173 TUPE transfer
Page 186 Diamond Logistics
Page 199 The End Game
Page 247 Productivity
Page 254 Appendices

These may, nay, will, change. I think the productivity chapter is a duplication of some of the earlier pages.
One of the appendices, on the Seattle plane crash doesn't quite show what I thought it contained, neither do some of the other connected plane crashes.

Source Material

Source Material

This is a screen shot of a PUD route report.
If I posted the whole file it would be enormous. I have loads of these reports. They all show the same thing.
As it 'appens guys 'n' galls, in posting this source material like this it actually hides the reason that I used it.
A happy accident.

This report shows a whole week's despatch by the DHL depot in Leeds.
It shows every route that was declared on road (Yes, some were hidden)
The column that you can't see is one titled "breaks".
It isn't really part of my story, but it emphasises the lack of integrity in some of the reporting in the Leeds Depot, or station, as DHL call them.
It will be used in the book to back up some of the things that I comment on.

What!!!!, No visitors

Oh dear, It's just me, all on my lonesome.

What can I do?

Off and running

There we go.

Post number 1 and a flag counter added as well.

That's me, the Spanish flag, down at the bottom of the blog.

I'm on holiday, which is why I've been able to create so many pages to date. There may be some duplication in those pages, I haven't done much editing with it yet. It is difficult trying to get everything into a chronological order, there are so many inter-twining threads. So there will be a lot of cutting and pasting to do later, shuffling everything about to create something that has a modicum of sense about it.

Did I say it was a work of FACT?

I think I might just have done so.

"Fact" may get repeated a number of times, as will the word "Clarity".

Clarity has a meaning in the Toytown dictionary used by Donna Wright, Company Secretary of both Savage Blue and Savage Logistics. To help avoid confusion between the two Companies, I will be referring to Savage Logistics as Diamond Logistics, their trading name.
More clarity is required, to re-confirm that the Diamond Logistics referred to is the Leeds franchise, not the Head Office.
Just realised that my clarity needs more clarity. Donna is the former Company Secretary of Savage Blue Ltd. More clarity on that later.
The Toytown meaning of clarity is mis-direction. The more that you bang on and on about clarity, the more it is a cover up for what you are really doing. In this case, Graham Wright ((Managing Director) (Former) and Donna have used their emphasis on clarity to lie to an employment tribunal and to the liquidators,Wilson Field, about Savage Blue Ltd.

Maybe that should be the Ex-Savage Blue Ltd.

And yes, I am taking the piss michael, when talking about clarity.

I will be dealing facts, not clarity.