Saturday 30 March 2019

More from Glassdoor on DHL

A post by a former Senior Manager

Do not challenge the untouchables.
They can destroy your Company.

Sunday 10 March 2019

DHL in Turkey

More dodgy practices, albeit a few years ago and in Turkey.
But it all adds to the mix

Aggressive and unlawful news and information
A boy sits on steps while other students behind him point and laugh at him

Bullying Has Consequences for All Involved

Everyone involved in a bullying situation is affected. A recent study on cumulative experiences of bullying found that youth involvement in bullying over time - either as the one who bullies, the one who is bullied, or as a bystander who helps bullies - resulted in multiple negative outcomes. Negative outcomes for the targets of bullying included depression, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. Bullying perpetrators and the bystanders who helped them over time were associated with increased aggression. All three groups experienced decreased levels of optimism about the future.

There's some good news in the study that suggests becoming an upstander to bullying has positive impacts for youth who address bullying. Bystanders who helped the targets of bullying through pro-social behavior were associated with higher academic achievement, self-esteem, and future optimism. Taking action to address bullying could include things like confronting the perpetrator or telling a teacher. The study suggests that these bystanders also worried about being bullied next, but they felt good about helping. There are many ways that bystanders can prevent or address bullying. For instance, they can interrupt a bullying situation by using humor, they can walk with a target of bullying to show support, or they can stand up to a perpetrator of bullying with a group of peers. Implementing bullying prevention and intervention strategies can help lower the risk and consequences of bullying for all. has a blog post on the negative consequences of bullying for all involved, a research summary on the Consequences of Bullying, and resources for bystanders to bullying and how schools can build a safe and supportive environment to prevent bullying. 

Latest Bullying Research Highlights

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Watch for Upcoming Events, Resources, and eBlasts in the Future!

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Podcast Update - The Cycling Podcast


Deceuninck's opening weekend double

A packed episode of The Cycling Podcast tackles all the latest stories from the world of professional cycling.

Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie and Daniel Friebe discuss all the talking points from the 'Opening Weekend' in Flanders. Deceuninck-Quick Step's Zdenek Stybar and Bob Jungels gave them a double taste of victory at Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne, which Florian Sénéchal made three at Le Samyn on Tuesday.

We dissect the racing and hear from Dylan Teuns, who was fifth in Saturday's race.

We also discuss the issue of the women's Het Nieuwsblad being paused and neutralised because the breakaway rider Nicole Hanselmann caught the back of the men's race, and weigh up the controversy over the promotional poster for the E3 Binck Bank Classic.

In the second part we discuss the breaking blood doping story centring on Austria which has so far caught Stefan Denifl and Georg Preidler. We hear from Jim Ochowicz, the manager of the CCC team Denifl was supposed to join this year before cancelling his contract for personal reasons. We ask what does this blood doping operation say about the state of the sport now?

The latest episode of The Cycling Podcast for Friends of the Podcast comes from Het Vlaamse Openingsweekend – the Opening Weekend of the Belgian cobbled Classics season.

Lionel Birnie and Simon Gill head to Flanders for Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne for this sequel to Flanders Fever and The Lionel of Flanders.

It’s 20 years since Lionel first covered a professional bike race as a journalist. That was the 1999 edition of Het Volk. In the two decades since, the race has changed its name but so much about racing in the Flandrian countryside has remained the same for decades.

We hear from some of the riders past and present about their first races and ask what it is that keeps people coming back for more.

Sample the trailer »

Podcast Update - Chantel McGregor

Another Podcast

Which ties in with sad news from the Classic Rock Society

Podcast #4 and Tour Dates

So we're on to the 4th episode of my podcast 'Tel Tales'!

I've had brilliant feedback from listeners and I'm really enjoying creating the podcasts. The first 3 (and probably the next 3) were comedy chats, however, the latest one is a bit more serious; I'm chatting about the sad demise of so many great music venues and what this could mean for the future of the music industry.

You can listen & subscribe on iTunes Podcasts, Spotify or in your preferred podcast app by typing 'Tel Tales' into the search field, or by clicking the Youtube or Soundcloud buttons below.

Hope you enjoy listening to it, don't forget to let me know what you think and please share it with anyone you think might enjoy it or fancy coming to a gig!

Tour Dates

Wed - 20.3.19 Milton Keynes - The Stables with Erja Lyytenen
Fri - 29.3.19 Bury St Edmunds - The Apex
Sat - 30.3.19 Chelsea - Under The Bridge festival
Thur - 11.4.19 Southampton - The 1865
Fri - 12.4.19 Harpenden - Public Halls
Sat - 13.4.19 Sheffield - HRH Blues Festival
Fri - 26.4.19 Blackpool - Waterloo Music Bar
Sat - 27.4.19 Huddersfield - Marsh Blues Club
Sat - 4.5.19 Stamford - Mama Liz's
Thur - 9.5.19 Chislehurst - Beaverwood Club
Fri - 10.5.19 Sutton - Boom Boom, Utd FC
Thur - 16.5.19 Bilston - Robin 2
Fri - 7.6.19 Wakefield - Warehouse 23
Sat - 8.6.19 Darwen - Library Theatre (Solo Acoustic)
Fri - 14.6.19 Ripley - Town Hall (Solo Acoustic)
Fri - 21.6.19 Pershore - Iron Road
Sun - 21.7.19 Maidstone - Ramblin Man Fair
Sat - 10.8.19 Nuneaton - The Queens Hall
Thur - 15.8.19 Kendal - Bootleggers
Fri - 4.10.19 Whitby - Pavillion (supporting Focus)
Sat - 5.10.19 Grimsby - Central Hall (supporting Focus)
Fri - 25.10.19 London - Under The Bridge (supporting Focus)
Fri - 29.11.19 Morecambe - The Platform

Plus a bunch more dates still to be announced.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Podcast Update - Murder book, Michael Connelly

If you like Michael Connelly, you'll like.........

If you like Harry Bosch, you'll like.......

The Murder Book True Crime Podcast

Episodes 1-6 Are Available Now

A carjacking, gunshots and murder outside a popular Hollywood 
nightclub. A gun, a fingerprint, and a bullet on the ground hold the key to unlocking a case that would last over 30 years.

Murder Book Season One - The Tell-Tale Bullet.
Episode 1: Hollywood Homicide
Episode 2: San Francisco Calling
Episode 3: Wiretaps, Search Warrants, and DNA Swabs
Episode 4: The King Of Cold Cases
Episode 5: The People vs. Pierre Romain

New! Listen To Episode 6: Reluctant Witnesses
The ex-sister-in-law. The childhood friend. A bullet wound at an LAPD family day picnic. As the prosecution continues their case against Pierre Romain, they encounter unforeseen challenges from witnesses with divided loyalties, testimonies with seemingly faded memories, and new speculation that would bring the LAPD's investigation tactics under question.

A new episode will download every Monday for the next 6 weeks.
Subscribe and listen for free each week.
See photos and bonus material for each episode on the Murder Book website.

Spoiler Alert
Details of the case

Cop's Job Application Lands Him
In Jail For Hollywood Murder

A federal officer's police department application ultimately led to his arrest and conviction for a 1987 carjacking murder in Hollywood.
By California News Wire Services, News Partner 
Aug 10, 2017 8:04 pm ET
Updated Aug 11, 2017 9:18 am ET

LOS ANGELES, CA — A reputed former gang member-turned-federal police officer was convicted Thursday of first-degree murder in a 1987 killing during an attempted carjacking in Hollywood. Pierre Romain, 53, was tied to the shooting death of 21-year-old Jade Maurice Clark by cold case detectives using DNA from a .25-caliber slug. The seven-man, five-woman jury deliberated less than two days before finding Romain guilty of murder and finding true an allegation that he personally used a gun. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler ordered Romain to be taken into custody while awaiting sentencing, set for Sept. 15. He faces up to 27 years to life in state prison. "It's too dangerous to tempt him to flee," Fidler said, as Romain handed some items from his suit pockets to his lawyer and deputies handcuffed him. Clark's mother, Yolanda, who asked that her last name not be used, cried quietly as the verdict was read and thanked jurors as a group outside the courtroom. "This has been a 30-year journey," she said. "You'll never, ever, ever have any idea of how thankful I am."
One juror stepped up and hugged her. Prosecutors said Romain was a 22-year-old gang member at the time of the June 29, 1987, killing. Police said Romain had crashed a friend's customized Nissan 300 ZX just before he and an accomplice tried to take a nearly identical model from Clark, who was parked outside a club at 845 N. Highland Ave. Romain was wounded in the arm in trading shots with the fatally injured Clark, who had a .25-caliber pistol under his seat, police said.
Romain and an accomplice were arrested about a month after the shooting, but charges were dismissed at a preliminary hearing based on insufficient evidence. At the time of that first arrest, Romain was an active candidate for a job as a Los Angeles Police Department officer. Romain was arrested again in 2003 while employed as a police officer at Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo. At the time of his 2003 arrest, Romain had applied for a job with the San Francisco Police Department. A call from SFPD background investigators prompted LAPD Detective Rick Jackson to reexamine physical evidence from the cold case shooting. More sophisticated DNA testing technology allowed detectives to use a bullet fired from Clark's gun to tie Romain to the case. Romain's attorney, Winston Kevin McKesson, denied that his client was ever a gang member. "He was a trained policeman ... Everything he did was inconsistent with gang membership," McKesson said in his closing argument. McKesson said his client's career was left "in limbo" as a result of the "false allegations" against him. Deputy District Attorney Tannaz Mokayef said the DNA evidence was undeniable. "There is no getting around the DNA," Mokayef told jurors. The victim's mother praised cold case detectives for never giving up on her son's case. "It does work .. delay doesn't mean denied," she said.

By ELIZABETH MARCELLINO, City News Service; Photo: Shutterstock

Health and Safety Executive - Update

Received an answer from HSE requesting further details about my complaints.
Easy enough to supply the information as quite a bit of it is already sorted and used in the book.
12 emails for 12subjects, all with photgraphic and/or documented evidence.
Lets see how that goes down with them.

Monday 4 March 2019

DHL & The Top Employers Institute

Well I never.

It's only taken 5 months for them to reply, if vaguely and to a sir/madam called Mike.

I suppose that it is a start.

My money is on no further action, why? DHL are bigger than me.