Thursday 8 November 2018

More on self publishing

Other than time wise, it's not been too difficult in self publishing my book.

There is a relatively easy step by step guide to follow in creating your book, and once submitted it only takes a few hours to be approved.

I received this email;

Mon 05/11/2018 04:12
Kindle Direct Publishing <>
Your book is available for pre-order in Kindle Store!

Congratulations! Your book "DHL Deceit, Hypocrisy and Lies" is available for pre-order in the Kindle Store. It is available* for customers to pre-order here. If you have resubmitted your book, your changes are now live.

Thank you for uploading the final version of your book. Customers who pre-ordered the book will receive the content on the release date, 11/30/2018.

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