Saturday 18 May 2019

Ackley Bridge meets Tour de Yorkshire

Word Stacks

Prefer this to Word Scape

More of a word search puzzle

Dry Easter in Spain? - Gordo Caves, San Cayetano, Murcia

A tricky one to find.
There are no signposts to these caves.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 on Google maps

How do you find them?
Tricky, but here's some help


Wet in Spain? UCAM Murcia v Ibiza

A dreary Easter Sunday sprang into life after only 5 minutes as UCAM shot into an early lead, which was about the best it got.
Note the packed stands at La Condomina, but a bargain at only 5 euros for the equivalent of Doncaster Rovers v. Blackpool

Wet in Spain? Wordscapes

Did I say it was wet in Spain?

Lots of ads, but quite a decent game

Friday 10 May 2019

DHL Glassdoor date

I am pretty sure that DHL fob off many of their complaints by saying that the complaints have been made by dis-gruntled ex-employees.

There should be enough evidence on my blog now to show that my view on bullying is more than just my perception of the events that affected me.

There is a history of bullying throughout the Company worldwide.

It makes me wonder how Companies with a history of bullying manage to win awards like this.

Is it just a paper exercise? This is what we "allegedly" do, not what we actually do.

I followed this up last year, but, to date, haven't had a response from Top Employer. other than we'll get back to you.

02/15/2019, 11:30 AM CET
DHL certified as Top Employer Global for fifth consecutive year

DHL Express is one of just 14 companies to be recognized as Top Employer Global and - for the fifth year in a row - the only company to be certified in all regions.

Top Employer certification recognizes the accomplishments of organizations that are providing the highest standards in employee conditions.

DHL Express is the only company to be recognized in all regions
The World leader in express delivery is one of just 14 companies to be recognized as Top Employer Global

Bonn,Amsterdam - DHL Express has been recognized for the fifth straight year as a leading global employer. Top Employers Institute awarded its prestigious Top Employer Global to DHL after certifying the company's HR practices in 61 countries. DHL is one of just 14 companies to be recognized as Top Employer Global and - for the fifth year in a row - the only company to be certified in all regions.

"It all starts with our people. We have a workforce of motivated people who are insanely customer centric and will do everything to get the job done for the customer. With such a diverse and truly global workforce, our HR function is essential to creating attractive working conditions to attract and retain talent, cultivating a network that operates As One, and helping our business to remain successful in a rapidly changing world," said Regine Buettner, Executive Vice President, Global and Europe HR, DHL Express. "Being ranked among the world's best employers by a reputed external organization such as Top Employers Institute is a great acknowledgment of the effort we have invested in making DHL a place where our employees can enjoy coming to work and realize their full potential."

Top Employer certification recognizes the accomplishments of organizations that are providing the highest standards in employee conditions. The first step in the certification process is participation in the HR Best Practices Survey: a comprehensive analysis of an organization's Human Resources environment. After completion of the HR Best Practices Survey, the Top Employers Institute determines which organizations have reached the required standards to be certified as Top Employers. It then validates its findings, including with the support of a third-party audit, before confirming certification. Regional and global certifications offer additional recognition to employers focused on advancing employee conditions within their entire organization, and the world.

DHL Express was recognized in particular for its strong performance in the areas of Leadership Development and Talent Strategy.


Thursday 9 May 2019

DHL & Top Employers Institute, part 5

My original post

Sunday, 9 September 2018

DHL & Top Employers Institute

DHL Express has been recognized for the fourth straight year as a leading global employer. Top Employers Institute awarded its prestigious Top Employer Global to DHL after certifying the company's HR practices in 50 countries, more than any other company.

I contacted the Top Employers Institute a couple of weeks ago....................

still waiting

There we go. 19.17 on 9th May 2019, email sent.
Am I expecting a reply?

Monday 6 May 2019

A group of basketball player teenage boys with coach in circle

Bullying Prevention is a Community - Wide Effort

Bullying can happen anywhere, not just at school. When the power of a community is brought together to address it, bullying can be prevented. Community-wide strategies can help identify and support children who are bullied, redirect the behavior of children who bully, and change the attitudes of adults and youth who tolerate bullying behaviors.

Community partners such as mental health specialists, law enforcement officers, neighborhood associations, service groups, faith-based organizations, youth sports and recreation groups, and businesses all have a role to play in bullying prevention. Mental health specialists who understand the consequences of bullying can better identify it in children whom they treat. Law enforcement and school resource officers can work with schools and parents to help them implement bullying prevention strategies. Schools and communities can work together to improve the school climate.

Community members can use their unique strengths and skills to prevent bullying wherever it occurs. For example, youth sports groups may train coaches to prevent bullying by being role models and encouraging positive feedback from team members. Faith-based leaders may conduct activities that promote moral engagement and help youth build empathy and foster healthy relationships. Hearing anti-bullying messages from the different adults in their lives can reinforce the message for children that bullying is unacceptable.

Every individual serves as a role model for how to treat others with respect, tolerance, and inclusion. Bystanders to bullying can make a positive difference in bullying situations by intervening when bullying occurs. They can also reach out and extend support to the person being bullied. Every person in a community can have a positive impact by preventing or addressing bullying. has a training center with resources and user guides for Early Education and Child Care Providers, Faith Leaders, Law Enforcement Officers, and Young Professionals and Mentors

Join the Twitter Chat on the Impacts of Bullying
May 8, 2019, 1 - 2 PM EST 

Every person in a community can have a positive impact by preventing or addressing bullying. Join the Twitter chat on the consequences and impacts of bullying. Chat with and partners about how bullying impacts everyone who is involved - youth who are the targets, witness or bystanders, and perpetrators of bullying. We'll discuss how bullying impacts mental health, physical health, and is a risk factor for suicide. We'll also chat about different forms of bullying and cyberbullying and their consequences, highlighting information, resources, and tips on how to prevent or address bullying to reduce the potential mental health consequences.

Use the hashtag #BullyingImpacts to participate, ask questions, and learn from experts.


DHL, CEO on Glassdoor

The buck stops here.

He is accepts everything that has been posted on here and on Glassdoor.

Glassdoor, Best DHL review to date

Of course, this would depend on which side of the fence you were on.
Bet this was fobbed off as a disgruntled ex-employee


Just a few words that get a mention

Wet Easter in Spain?

Worst Easter weather for many a year, apparently.
Short of something to do?
Try this game

2 for 2.

Not entirely dis-similar to 2048

2for2. Can you beat my awesome score in this amazingly addictive game?

Awesome score?
No idea

As at 6th May 2019

By the time you get to this score, the sun's out